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Residents of King’s model town complain about ‘not green’ rules

People at Poundbury, Dorset claim that development restrictions bar them from installing solar panels

Homeowners at Poundbury, His Majesty King Charles III’s model town in Dorset, have questioned whether their homes can really be as green as they desire because of regulation.

The urban extension to the Dorset county town of Dorchester follows certain rules in terms of development – the regulations were introduced while the King was the Head of the Dutchy of Cornwall.

In the Poundbury Design and Community Code, it is stated: “The following items shall not be located such that they will be visible from the street: clothes dryers; meter boxes; air extractors; dustbins; rooftop solar collectors; PV panels; air conditioning systems and burglar alarms.”

The Sunday Telegraph cited a resident saying that “King Charles calls himself an environmentalist, but these rules are not environmentally friendly, or good for residents in the cost of living crisis.”

A spokesperson for The Duchy of Cornwall told ELN: “Sustainability is fundamental to every element of the Poundbury development and The Duchy is a firm supporter of renewable energy sources.  Proposals for solar panels are welcomed and many installations have already been approved.

“Homes in the development are very energy efficient, with evolving materials enabling further improvements.”

Source: Energy Live News
