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Butterfly Count to Gauge Impact of Extreme Weather

Scientists are asking Scots to count butterflies this summer to understand what extreme weather is doing to them. Researchers are trying to work out what impact climate change is having on the insects. Last year’s record temperatures, heatwaves and droughts are believed to have...

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Sheriffhales: the Village That Owns a Solar Farm

The village of Sheriffhales in Shropshire only has about 700 residents, no shop or pub – but it does have a solar farm. It has been given a funding boost thanks to its community energy scheme. Proceeds from the farm go towards community projects, and have paid for food parcels, a...

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Archaeologists Find Rare Stone Age Boulder in Dorset

A team of archaeologists has discovered a rare rock used to make tools in the Stone Age. The “polishing boulder”, found in the Valley of the Stones near Dorchester, would have been used to make stone axe heads more than 5,000 years ago. It is only the second undisturbed...

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