Military News Russia Ukraine War

“It’s a Question of Time”. The Russians Declare the Probable Loss of Urozhaynoye on the Vremyevsky Ledge

The Russian military in their Telegram channels write about the likely loss of Urozhaynoye on the Vremievsky ledge.

In particular, this is stated in the Vostok battalion.

It is stated that the Armed Forces of Ukraine already tried to plant a flag on the village council today, but “one of the armor was blown up, the artillery worked on the rest, and they pulled back.”

At the same time, the Russians call the capture of the village by the Ukrainian army “a matter of time.”

The day before, we published a video of a tank battle for the village of Urozhaynoye , which is being stormed by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Earlier, the General Staff reported that the Ukrainian army advanced on the Vremievsky ledge on the southern front . Namely, in the direction of Harvest, to the south and southeast of Staromayorsky. There are also results south of Bakhmut.

The war in Ukraine has been going on for 535 days. We follow the latest news and key events on August 12, 2023 online .

The results of the past day in our publication : “Kinzhal strike on the Carpathian region, massive replacement of military commissars, the United States is delaying the transfer of F-16s.” 

Source : CTPAHA.UA
