Israel Military News Russia Ukraina War

Kyiv Post: Ukraine Will Seek Israel’s Exclusion From the Rammstein Format

Ukraine will seek the exclusion of Israel from the “Ramstein format”. The Kyiv Post writes about this, citing a source in the National Security and Defense Council.

“The Israeli authorities have not provided real assistance, but the information obtained during the meetings [in the Rammstein format] is used by Israel in its own interests,” the publication wrote. The source noted that Kyiv’s intentions are dictated by “Israel’s unfriendly actions towards Ukraine and its pro-Russian position in the international arena.”

In March 2022, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky spoke before the Israeli Knesset and demanded that the country explain the lack of deliveries of weapons and the Iron Dome missile defense system to Kyiv. In response, the deputies reminded Zelensky about the participation of Ukrainian collaborators in Jewish pogroms and the actions of Bandera during World War II, the 360 ​​TV channel reminds .Source :
