Pollution levels on the River Trothy in Monmouthshire are above official targets, campaigners have claimed. Friends of the Lower Wye (FOLW) said its tests have...
Tag - climate change
Swimmers have held a protest in the River Thames to call for urgent action to clean up river pollution. The swim, in Henley, was led by campaigners, Tim...
A new wetland bird habitat which the public can visit is to open near Bristol. Hallen Marsh, near Avonmouth and Lawrence Weston, includes four kilometres of...
Thousands of extinct-in-the-wild snails bred in British zoos have been flown to their new French Polynesian home. Whipsnade Zoo’s invertebrate specialist...
A woman is supporting aid efforts in Morocco after narrowly escaping the recent earthquake in the country. Rebecca Calvert, from Windsor, Berkshire, was...
Hundreds of business people gathered on London’s Millennium Bridge to call for urgent governmental climate action. ‘The Queue for Climate and...
The thoughts of one Moroccan schoolteacher immediately turned to her pupils when she felt the 6.8-magnitude earthquake strike a week ago. Nesreen Abu ElFadel...
The catastrophic earthquake in Morocco has destroyed entire towns and claimed almost 3,000 lives. In England, which is home to tens of thousands of Moroccans...
Plans to introduce a zero-emission zone (Zez) in central London from 2025 have been shelved by City Hall. The scheme, which was detailed in the London...
Every year countries pledge to cut their greenhouse gas emissions in an effort to curb the impacts of climate change. But still global temperatures keep rising...